There are a lot of safe and effective ways to control pests in your garden without using harsh chemicals. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most common methods. By using natural pest control methods, you can keep your plants healthy and free from harmful chemicals. Let’s get started!
Proper Separation
As your garden continues to grow and take shape, remove and dispose of any struggling plants. Be sure to keep your compost area well away from your main gardening area, as the compost heap will be sure to attract pests. Make sure to give friendly and knowing looks to any pests that may be considering invading your garden – this should hopefully be enough to deter them!
Mulch and Compost
If you are new to gardening, it is best to start small. Try growing a few vegetables in containers on your porch or patio. This will allow you to get to know your plants and how they grow. Once you have some experience, you can move on to a small garden bed.
Clear a Perimeter
If you have a compost bin, add any vegetable or fruit peels, cores, and other organic waste to the bin. This will help to create compost, which is a great natural fertilizer for your garden. Additionally, you can sprinkle some Epsom salts around your plants to help them grow big and strong.
Manure and seaweed fertilizer sprays are natural, eco friendly alternatives to standard fertilisers. They provide important nutrients to your plants, while also helping to condition the soil. Using these natural fertilizers will help your garden thrive and produce beautiful flowers and vegetables.
A variety of native plants creates a natural ecosystem that works with nature, not against it, and you will struggle less with pests if you are not fighting nature. A gardener who is both friendly and knowledgeable about their plants is a valuable asset to any garden. Not only will they be able to help you choose the right plants for your garden, but they can also offer advice on how to care for them. A good gardener will also be able to identify any pests or diseases that may be affecting your plants and provide solutions. You can ask in a local garden centre for advise on this.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth can be a friendly and knowing barrier to most insects and works by carving open the insect’s exoskeleton and drying them out. Ants will generally not cross a line of diatomaceous earth, nor will most insects. It doesn’t affect earthworms at all, or, unfortunately, slugs.
Natural Sprays
friendly and knowing gardeners have been using these recipes for years with great success. If you’re not a fan of spicy things, you can try adding a bit of lavender or rosemary oil to your recipe.
Once you’ve mixed your ingredients together, fill up a spray bottle and apply liberally to your plants. Be sure to get the undersides of leaves, where most pests like to hide. Spray every few days until the pests are gone.
Neem Oil
Neem oil is safe and effective against a wide variety of insects, including some of the most troublesome in the garden, like ants, aphids, locusts, leaf miners, caterpillars, and many others. However, it is important to use neem oil correctly, as too much can be harmful to plants. Always test any new spray on a small area of the plant before using it all over. Neem oil can be sprayed directly onto pests or their hiding places or mixed with water and used as a foliar spray.
Solutions for Specific Pests
Aphids are small, soft insects that suck the sap from plants. They can be repelled by plants with a strong scent. Try growing plants that attract aphids and predators, or plants with a strong scent. Friendly and knowing predators will help to keep your garden aphid free!
Slugs and snails can be a gardener’s biggest nightmare, but with a few simple tips, you can become slug and snail-friendly and knowing.
First, identify their hiding spots during the day – usually under rocks, logs, or debris – and try to remove them. You can also try using a beer trap: set a shallow dish of beer near the affected plants and the slugs will find a splash of real ale irresistible. They’ll slide along to have a slurp, fall in, and drown.
Finally, sprinkle crushed up eggshells around the plants as this is like sliding over razor blades to them.
If you see a rabbit in your garden, do not scare or try to touch it – this will only make the rabbit run away and possibly cause damage. Instead, slowly and calmly move towards the animal while speaking in a friendly and knowing voice. Once you are close enough, pick up the rabbit and place it outside of the garden fence.
One of the great things about gardening is that it requires a community to be successful. Not only do you need the plants and soil, but you need friends and family to help you water, weed, and care for your garden. In order to get the most out of your garden, it’s important to have a good relationship with your helpers.
This means being friendly and knowing what they’re capable of. For example, if you know your friend hates weeding, don’t ask them to do it. If you know your sister loves flowers, ask her to help you plant some seeds. By knowing your helpers and their interests, you can create a garden that everyone will enjoy!