If you’re looking for a healthier, safer paint option for your home, consider low or zero VOC paint. These paints emit very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can cause health problems in some people. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of low and zero VOC paints, and we will provide tips on how to choose the right one for your needs!
What Are VOCs and Are They Harmful?
When it comes to VOCs, it’s important to be aware. That’s because these organic compounds can pose a health risk if they’re not properly handled.
VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. These are gases that are emitted into the air from products or processes. They can be found in many common household products, particularly substances like paints, paint strippers and adhesives, but also in culprits such as cleaning products, air fresheners and even cosmetics. VOCs can cause health issues such difficulty breathing or irritation to the nose and throat, and some may even cause cancer. They are a form of air pollution and can even react with other gases to form stronger pollutants.
So, when you’re choosing paint, be sure to check the label for the VOC content. And if you’re painting a room in your home, take the time to open windows and doors to allow for ventilation.
Now that you know a bit more about VOCs, it’s important to be aware of the ways you can reduce your exposure. One way to do this is by becoming “friendly and knowing.” This means being friendly to the environment by reducing your consumption and waste, and knowing what products contain VOCs so that you can make informed decisions about what to bring into your home.
Some easy ways to reduce VOC exposure in your home include opening windows and using fans to circulate air, using natural cleaning products, and avoiding products with fragrances. You can also install an air purifier to help remove harmful chemicals from the air. By being mindful of these simple tips, you can help keep your family safe from harmful VOCs.
What Is the Difference Between Low-VOC and Zero-VOC Paint?
As a consumer, it is important to be friendly and knowledgeable about volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their effects. Regulations around VOCs change often and can differ from state to state, so it is important to stay up to date on the latest information.
Low-VOC paint lines are widely available and used, but they still may contain the chemicals mentioned above and off-gas harmful fumes. The main differentiator is that brands offering zero-VOC paint do not add VOC chemicals to their mixtures, resulting in a product that might only have trace amounts if any.
Studies have shown that levels of VOCs in homes can be five times higher indoors, so it is important to take precautions when painting or remodeling.
How to Choose the Right Paint
When looking for a paint company to work with, it is important to find one that meets zero-VOC emissions standards. This means that the company’s paints contain 5g/L or less of VOCs. Additionally, make sure that the zero-VOC paint brand you choose does not include VOCs in their tinting process. By following these tips, you can ensure that your finished product will be both friendly and knowing.
Consumer Emissions Resources
When looking for a low or zero VOC paint, make sure the certification is from the EPA. The Greenguard label is a widely trusted label that indicates a product’s low or zero VOC emissions. Greenguard tests products for VOC emission levels and offers a range of certifications. The Greenguard Gold Certification is the most rigorous and is the best indicator of safety.
When it comes to finding eco-friendly and low-emitting products, consumers can rest assured that the Greenguard green badge indicates a product’s compliance with some of the strictest emissions standards. However, shoppers may still have questions about what to look for when browsing for potential purchases.
Luckily, helpful resources like Building Green or online retailers such as Green Building Supply offer comprehensive guides to shopping for environmentally friendly and low-emitting products. These guides often include lists of certified manufacturers and products, as well as tips on how to read labels and material safety data sheets.
In addition, consumers can also do their own research by checking a product’s MSDS for a list of chemicals used. This information can help shoppers make informed decisions about which products are best suited for their needs and environment.