Home GardenHouseplants Introduction to Indoor Gardening Activities for Seniors

Introduction to Indoor Gardening Activities for Seniors

by Simple Happy Home

If you’re a senior who wants to get into indoor gardening, you’re in luck. Many different indoor gardening activities are perfect for seniors. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best options for you.

Whether you want to grow flowers or vegetables, there is an indoor gardening activity that is perfect for you!

First, let’s take a look at why gardening is so beneficial for seniors:

Gardening may decrease the risk of dementia

According to a study of 2,800 seniors conducted at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New South Wales, Australia, spending time with plants on a daily basis may reduce the chance of dementia by up to 36%. This is comparable to results from much more rigorous physical exercises.

Indoor gardening activities as a form of sensory stimulation might help with cognitive functions. Wandering gardens specially created for dementia patients are available in some memory care facilities, but in any case, a wide range of plants with various colors, textures, and scents can be stimulating and pleasurable even in a limited area.

The calming effect

According to The London School of Economics, “people are generally happier when they come upon something beautiful, whether it’s a lovely flower or a work of art.”

Plants also provide a tranquilizing impact on the body and encourage deep, steady breathing, which helps to alleviate depression. This is according to research from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, which found that gardening for the elderly benefited people with mild or severe forms of depression.

Self esteem and sense of accomplishment

Caring for plants is especially beneficial to older people who have always served as caregivers but are now experiencing role reversal and desire a sense of purpose. According to research conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, nurturing plants offers similar happiness as caring for a human and is a wonderful method to preserve the physical and emotional advantages of caring.

Gardening for the elderly’s better health not only elevates self-esteem and gives a feeling of accomplishment, but it also encourages patterned behaviors. Watering a special houseplant daily may be a memory trigger for taking medicine, eating breakfast, or calling family. If your loved one is growing flowers or vegetables in their room, let them know how pleased you are with their success as a form of positive reinforcement.

Caring for plants provides comfort

Gardening has been shown to offer outstanding mental health benefits for the residents of senior living environments. It’s natural for people to feel overwhelmed after moving to a new living situations. Seniors can gain control in their new setting by maintaining a garden, caring for one plant, or even just watching it grow. The Alzheimer’s Society recommends that seniors nurture plants as a way of maintaining existing talents that provide pleasure and confidence.

According to 2010 research on nursing home residents in Hong Kong, gardening may also help to reduce loneliness. Adults in their 80s who took part in an eight-week indoor gardening course reported a greater sense of connection with others than those that did not garden, according to research.

Best indoor gardening activities for seniors

As we’ve seen, indoor gardening may help people feel better and perhaps aid their health. What a great activity for older individuals to enjoy from the convenience of their own homes.

Here are a few simple indoor gardening activities to try:

Miniature Flowerpot Garden

No space, or energy to maintain a large garden? Create a tiny garden in a flowerpot or other container! It’s adorable to display, and you can garden while sitting down.

To create the illusion of a garden, all you have to do is fill an empty planter with little plants. Perhaps take inspiration from your own garden.

They look fantastic once they’re finished, and the creator is usually quite pleased with what they’ve accomplished.

Grow Your Own Salad

Why not bring your own food inside, especially if it’s one of the greatest pleasures in life?

It makes every day exciting as you track its development, with each hour bringing you one step closer to that delectable dinner!

Here’s all the equipment you’ll need for the job:

  • Pot
  • Water
  • Salad Seeds
  • Soil

To start growing salad, you’ll need a pot, some water, and salad seeds. You can find these at any gardening center or online.

Once you’ve got your pot and seeds, it’s time to add some soil. I recommend using organic potting mix for the best results.

Fill the pot with soil, then wet it down until it’s damp but not soggy.

Now it’s time to sow your seeds! Place them on the surface of the soil, then lightly press them down.

You can now water your pot once a day, making sure to keep the soil moist but not wet.

In about two weeks, you should see your first seedlings appear. Once they’ve grown a few inches tall, you can thin them out by snipping off the weaker ones.

This will leave room for the stronger seedlings to grow.

Now all you have to do is wait for your salad to mature, then enjoy!

Planter Painting

Why not decorate your planters if it’s an easy, inexpensive way to brighten up a dull space? Painting is a simple, indoor activity that anybody may do, so why not give it a go?

This gives your plants a unique touch, making you feel like they’re part of the family!

You don’t need much for this pastime:

  • Pot
  • Paints

Choose paints that will work on the material of the planter.

Water-based acrylics will work on most surfaces, but you may need to use a primer first.

If you’re not sure, ask someone at the hardware store for advice.

Now that you’ve got your supplies, it’s time to start painting! Use whatever design you like, or get creative and come up with something new.

Remember to have fun and be creative!

Succulent Arrangement

Succulents are some of the simplest plants to maintain and can endure in most situations and environments.

Set aside a spot on a window sill or tabletop for a few little succulents, then pick your favorites and make an arrangement.

Terrarium Building

Terrariums are a lot of fun to make, and they might be completed in either a few hours or several days (you can get them prepared). However, because terrariums are tiny, you’ll need a steady hand.

The major advantage for seniors is that this is so simple to maintain that it takes very little effort yet looks great on a shelf.

It also becomes a new pastime since you may always alter/maintain your plants.

The following are all you’ll need to do this:

  • Pot
  • Succulents
  • Decorative Rocks/Sand

To start a terrarium, you’ll need a pot, some succulents, and either decorative rocks or sand.

You can find all of these at your local gardening center or online.

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to start building! Begin by adding a layer of rocks or sand to the bottom of the pot. This will help with drainage.

Next, add a layer of soil.

Now you can start adding your plants. Place them where you like, then gently press them into the soil. Once you’re happy with the arrangement, it’s time to add a lid.

You can use anything transparent and airtight, such as a glass jar or plastic container.

Make sure to leave a gap for air to circulate.

Now your terrarium is complete! All you have to do is water it once a week, and it will take care of itself.

Indoor gardening for seniors

Indoor gardening activities for seniors can provide a fun and easy way to pass the time, while also helping them stay connected to nature. These indoor gardening activities are low-maintenance and don’t require much effort, making them perfect for seniors. Whether you’re new to indoor gardening or have some experience, these activities will be enjoyable and rewarding.

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